Thursday, February 5, 2009

When I was 13

so IM behind as usual but here it goes....
13 sometimes it feels like it was yesterday and other times I feel like it was a few lifetimes ago. I was in the eighth grade. Funny that its the age were suppossed to write about because it was one of the hardest of my life. I was at an all girls school where the 8th grade had 32 kids. I was the victim of an internet crime, my father was going in for his 2nd and 3rd of 6 spinal surgeries in November and January. My uncle died unexpectedly at the same time. I was a sick kid- physically and mentally... and I was at the beginning of what continues to be one of the hardest and longest coming out processes. (Yes I date girls)
So all that shit aside- I can tell you that I excelled academically- I won the science fair by building a hovercraft(think flying saucer)- Painted an award-winning rainforest mural for my school,took 3 languages, and was a raging theater dork, I did Marat Sade and Steel Magnolias that year. I also played lacrosse for my school. I listened to 70's rock, wore parachute pants and band t shirts, had a different hair color every week, and had just started to learn my 3rd or so instrument. I went to work with my Dad to our business on Saturdays as much as I could- I liked(and still do) making money. For every success there was a learning experience(aka failure) and for every up there was a down. I couldnt have been me without it, thats not to say I wish to run back to it. At the time I probably felt like dying- like I was the only kid who was dealing shit, what I know now is that everyone was- it just depended on how much, how often, and what kind. So- I think my battle scars are sexy haha. Sometimes it feels like yesterday-sometimes it feels like a few life times ago.

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