Thursday, March 12, 2009

Greenfield Talking Points

Greenfield "Fast Forward"

Some things I understand

Through the use of photos and artist narratives, Greenfield clearly makes her point. She argues that teenagers are growing up at a faster rate than previous generations, and that it is due to the fact that teenagers have a higher and faster access to a world market of technology and materialism. Her mutltitude of images of teenage girls in makeup and clothing made for women twice their age, statistics about early puberty, and teenage boys in different rites of passage all speak volumes to this position. Some of the most striking were the photos of the girls with plastic surgery, and in the nightclubs and casino night fundraiser.

Some things I dont understand

I have nothing to report here at this time(possibly after discussion)

Connections to course themes

-This touched on similar points to the materialism of teenage culture and the importance of "bling" and "hip-hop" culture so its easy for me to connect it to Tricia Rose's piece

-Prensky would support the claim that this accelerated puberty would be due to the fact that this community was raised as digital natives- and that it was being prayed upon by media and materialism

Coming from a circle of artists/activists and photographers this was a really interesting piece for me. I appreciate the view of the lens of each individual photographer and I think Greenfield speaks volumes. The most difficult piece for me were the shots of teenage plastic surgery... in the context of my personal conflicts- I feel like a statistic.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad this resonated with you (though sorry it stuck a little bit of a nerve too). I am curious to see how this helps you construct your own claims around photos of teenagers this week in class.
