Sunday, April 19, 2009

Henry Jenkins/Testing Horace Mann

I apologize for abandoning format but since I am doing it following class discussion it is easier without it.

The Henry Jenkins and Testing Horace Mann pieces bring up a variety of issues. All of these were further supported by the experience of each of us in class, and our own relationship to social networking sites. I understand the points raised in regard to responsibility. The connection of social networking sites and the schools censorship of such raises concerns I would have never had to hear during my earlier education. In light of Prensky, I think it is more important to work with these sites than to control and abandon them as school administrations. I just see more difficulty in doing this than supporting the use of the differnet technologies by students, including losing classroom influence by using outdated methods. Overall, I think Prensky and the authors here could have some interesting debate, and it shows how complicated the ethics of these technologies and websites can be. For every helpful aspect of these things there is an issue of speech, responsiblity, and social conciousness/etiquette involved.

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